My mother's day flowers.
Ava having breakfast this morning!! ha!
Me and my beautiful babies!
Carter painting Hope's fingernails for her.
Today was a low key but very sweet Mother's day. We had my mom and dad and Craig's mom and dad over for a grill out, and Josh, Hannah, Pete and Hollie came over as well. The kids were wound up (and I think a little wind burnt!), but had fun together playing outside and "giving beauty treatments" to one another. Ha!Ha!..........Carter's motto? If you can't beat 'em....JOIN "EM!
It really was sweet though to see them painting each other's nails. (Even if Carter might deny this when he's older!.....HA!)
I am so thankful for the children God has given to me. It is the greatest privilege and joy of my life to be their mother! Carter and Ava, I love you with all my heart!
I am also thankful for my own Mom and for the example she has set. I love you mom!
Happy Mother's day to all the wonderful mommys I know!
Thank you Heidi Jean...........I love you too!!!! You are one of the greatest MOMMIES I KNOW!!
Hmmm... I'm gonna have to try that breakfast in the laundry basket trip!! Glad you enjoyed a happy Mother's Day!