Beautiful rain......

Friday, May 16, 2008 |

Today it rained for most of the day , and it was so beautiful! I have always been one to enjoy a rainy day from time to time, but usually because it gives you an excuse to be lazy or to cuddle up for a movie or even a good book. But today the rain was just simply beautiful!
It was a light but constant rainfall that came down all day without making any noise. I sat in my front room just staring out the window for a very long time, and then throughout the day I would stop and stare again. In fact when Carter came home from school today, he said "if you like the rain so much, why don't you just take a picture?"......(I'm not sure if he was trying to be smart or not), but, why didn't I think of that? So, that's exactly what I did. I tried to capture the rain!
Thank you Lord for the beautiful raindrops that you sent today!

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