Can you say Diva?
BFF's Forever!!
Addie's birthday party!
Pretty Pretty Princess
Princess in the making
Tonight is Addie's birthday party....(princess themed ........of course), and we are in full preparation over here in the Zawisza household. Curlers flyin', lipgloss shinin', and batons a twirlin'....(ok, maybe not the last one.....but it sounded good!:-) We are hurrying so that we can go get our princess skirt that Nene made especially for our princess Ava. We haven't seen it yet, but we know Nene, and it is probably completely over the top! I bought material, and said "I need a princess skirt".......there's no tellin' what she has made! I am SURE pictures will follow later! Anyways, this should be quite the party tonight. We were at Addie's house until 11:30 last night decorating and finishing things. Hollie has decided to be Hannah and I's spokesmodel should we ever decide to go in to business with our designs................I need some votes on THIS one please!!!
Oh, and btw.....I WAS NOT INFORMED THAT I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE "SPOTTING" HANNAH WHEN SHE FELL OFF THE LADDER!!!!!.......................sorry Hannah, but you've known me 27 years ...............and yet you still thought I would take it upon myself to watch you hang something from the ceiling?? Flash back: I AM the one who picked the back of your diaper away until your butt hung out, and do you not remember.. " I'm gonna make you as pretty as a princess"....a.k.a....."i'm going to rat your hair up so high that it will take three baths and an entire bottle of conditioner to be able to comb through it again".......shall I go on? WHAT IN THE WORLD IS WRONG WITH YOU??? Learning lessons are the key to life!
Banned from a restaurant??
Lifetime friends!!
My phone rang today, and most who know me, know I rarely answer my home phone.......(i'm such a rebel!:-) Anyways, I answered it today, and it was my lifelong friend Stacie from Iowa!! I LOVE it when we get to talk!
We always reminisce about our highschool years and I try to get the low down on everyone still in Iowa. Since we went to a very small Christian Highschool, everyone was kind of tight and she still pals around with lots of our friends. So, I get to hear what's going on with everyone and of course always love to catch up with Stacie and her family.
Her mom Sandie was like a second mom to me in highschool. She was my cheerleading coach and the school secretary..........oh the memories!!!
Anyways, after talking to her I got to thinking.........(watch it! smart remarks or I will ban you from my blog!!!.............if i can.), true and I mean really TRUE friends are a gift from God. Stacie and her brother Brian and their parents are those kind of friends. When I think about my highschool years in Des Moines 85% of my memories invole this family in one way or another. It just got me thinking....(uh huh, twice in one day!!.....i'm feeling a little faint at the moment!:-), after all these years, living far away from eachother, and living completely different and seperate lives, this is a family that I still consider very close friends. My whole point is that those kind of relationships are far and few between, and I just think it's neat how God puts people in your life like that! That's all! I'm done...............all this thinking is making my wrist hurt...why my WRIST you ask? Because at first it was making my head throb, so i put my hand on my head and leaned on my arm....too long. So, now my wrist hurts. Oh well, it should feel better soon, I've definitely put a stop to this thinking thing. I will not do that twice in a day again...........I need to "work" myself up to that gradually................kind of like the stairmaster you know?...........oh, that's a different story, and it would involve that "t" word again, so at the risk of getting another wristache, I will go to bed now!!
Another day.....another time..........
Dogs, wands, and sunglasses!
Cousin fun!!
Tonight Carter's cousin Hope came over to spend the night. Carter told Hopie about the bubble bath last night, and then proceeded to beg for another one. EVEN though Craig told me NOT to do that again, (apparently it breaks the jets?.....huh?....what does that mean?).....I couldn't help myself from letting them have one. I mean who am I to deprive these children of what could be the single most greatest experience of their lives??
Well, ok that might be going a LITTLE overboard, but it seriously has to be in at least the top ten experiences of a child!!? I mean have you SEEN how many bubbles I put in the tub? Were YOU allowed to do that as a child? I seriously doubt it. There are very few moms/aunts as cool as me that would do that in the world today..............i'm just sayin'...........that's all.
Anyways, OF COURSE they had an unbelievable amount of fun. Hopie could care less how much soap/bubbles were in her eyes, she just kept laughing and diving under the water. Carter of course being my slightly reserved child (perspective: as reserved as you can get being a Zawisza!;-), thought that Hope was hilarious, and decided he better not let her "show him up" he started diving too! There was more choking gagging and spitting going on than on an episode of fear factor!
They didn't seem to care though. The laughter and giggles trumped the choking!
Anyways, we love when Hopie spends the night. I hope as these two grow, they will keep their tight bond. Everyone who knows Carter and Hope, knows they share a deep love for eachother! We love you Hopie! Come again soon! And try not to get me in trouble tomorrow by burping bubbles!! (i did kinda forget to mention that they drank half the tub.............probablly not a great thing.......)
More Snow!!
No school!! It's a "snow" day!!
Snow in Georgia??
About Me
Blog Archives
- Can you say Diva?
- Happy Birthday Addie!!
- BFF's Forever!!
- Lost!!!
- Addie's birthday party!
- Pretty Pretty Princess
- Princess in the making
- Banned from a restaurant??
- Lifetime friends!!
- Dogs, wands, and sunglasses!
- Cousin fun!!
- More Snow!!
- No school!! It's a "snow" day!!
- Snow in Georgia??
- we go!!